Les logiciels open-source, l'actuariat, la radio, la musique sont des sujets qui m'intéressent fortement. as@langmeier.ch
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 Prototype - Projet RdsEnc 
1187.5 Hz switched @ 57kHz
1187.5 Hz switched @ 57kHz
Vu: 6437 fois.

1187.5 Hz switched @ 57kHz
1187.5 Hz switched @ 57kHz
Vu: 6333 fois.

1187.5 Hz switched @ 57kHz
1187.5 Hz switched @ 57kHz
Vu: 6223 fois.

Bandpass filter design @ 57kHz
Bandpass filter design @ 57kHz
Vu: 6393 fois.

Switched signal after filtering
Switched signal after filtering
Vu: 6315 fois.

Detail of switched signal
Detail of switched signal
Vu: 6307 fois.

Test of the circuit
Test of the circuit
Vu: 6209 fois.

Detail of transmitter and RDS modulator
[640x298] [963x449]
Detail of transmitter and RDS modulator
Vu: 6322 fois.

57kHz Oscillator, swichting and filtering
57kHz Oscillator, swichting and filtering
Vu: 6261 fois.